Lively 24*7 Service -> Step 1: My Car -> FFA -> Add Online Friends

Add Online Friends

Add Online Friends is used to send friend requests to friends who are most active on Facebook. It can send friend requests to group members, page fans, event guests, friends of friends and Facebook users searched by keywords.

1. Click Facebook -> Add Online Friends

The following is the interface of the feature:

2. Account

The purpose of the Account field in the Add Online Friends feature is to choose account(s) which you want to check. You can select a specific account or campaign to run this feature. Here is a screenshot of this field:


There are 4 kinds of options in the combo box. You can open the drop-down menu and select one option as you need.


1)  All accounts in: All Campaigns:

With this setting, the expected running result is as follows:

  • All accounts in the program will run this feature.
  • The program will start all accounts listed in the program sequentially, from the first account to the last one.

2)  All accounts in: One Campaign:

With this setting, the expected running result is as follows:

  • All accounts in the specific campaign will run this feature.
  • The program will start the accounts listed in the program sequentially, from the first account to the last one.

3)  Select a specific account:

With this setting, the expected running result is as follows:

  • Only the selected account will run this feature.

4)  All accounts in: Selected Accounts:

This setting only appears when you select your targeted account(s) in Manage Accounts window and click Start To button on the left to run a certain feature.

With this setting, the expected running result is as follows:

  • Only the selected account(s) will run this feature.
  • If you select several accounts, the program will start selected accounts listed in ManageAccounts window sequentially, from the first account to the last one.


1)  If Manage Accounts Window don't have any account, the drop-down menu will appear blank in
       the combo box; :

2)  If you have hidden several accounts, these accounts will not be shown in the combo box;

3)  If you start running a specific campaign, then hide other accounts in this campaign, these hidden accounts will not run the feature.


3. Friends

 The purpose of the Friends field in the Add Online Friends feature is to choose what kind of target friends to add from. Online friends refer to the most active users, rather than the normal Facebook users who are just online.


There are five options to choose from after you click the Find button.

Through the setting there, you can add online friends from group members, page fans, event members, other people's friends and the people searched by some certain keyword.

1)  Group Members: Add friends from a certain group. Input a group keyword in the search bar, click one group and enter its profile.

  • Open a certain group profile, the group ID should be in the address bar.
  • If the group only shows its name in the address bar, do the following steps to get the group ID.
  • Replace the group ID in the default URL.

2) Page Fans: Add friends from a certain Page.

  • Open a certain page, and copy its profile URL.
  • Replace the default URL with the page profile link

3)   Event Member: Add friends from a certain event.

  • Open a certain event profile, the event ID should be in the address bar.
  • Replace the event ID in the default URL.

4)  Others Friends: Add friends from other people's friends.

  • Open the friend's profile, it only show the name in the address bar. Please do the following steps to find the ID.
  • Replace the friend's ID in the default URL.

5) Search people: Add the people searched by some certain keyword

  • If you have only one keyword, please replace it as follows:
  • If you want search by two key words, such as businessman and success, please connect them with "%20" or "space" and replace it as follows:


1)  It would waste a lot of time and energy to login the account by browser manually and add target people one by one. However, with the setting in this field, it can helps you add online friends efficiently from group members, page fans, other people's friends and the people searched by some certain keyword;

2)  We can add friends listed at the beginning or the end of the result by setting the Number at the end of the default URL.


1)  Group Members: Add friends from a certain group.

  With the setting here, the group members showed below will be added:

2)   Page Fans: Add friends' ID from a certain Page.

 With the setting above, the fans who like the page wall will be added.

3)  Event Members: Add friends from a certain event.

  With the setting here, the event guests showed below will be added:

4)  Others Friends: Add friends' ID from other people's friend list.

  With the setting here, the friends in other people's friends list will be added.

5)  Search people: add friends' ID searched by some certain keyword.

  • If you have two key words, such as businessman and success, please connect them with "%20" or "space" and replace it as follows:

After running with the setting, it will add friends' ID searched by the two key words.


1)  If running many accounts under a campaign, our program won't add the same friends to different accounts;

2)  When you use two or more keywords to search people, please use %20 or blank to connect the words;


 The purpose of the Sex field in the Add Online Friends feature is to send friend requests to target Facebook users based on sex. You can send friend requests respectively to all, female, male, or those people who don't make their sex information public. Here is a screenshot of this field:


 There are 4 options to choose from after you click the Sex combo button. Please choose one option to run.

1)  All

 With this setting, the program will send friend requests to all, included female, male, or those people who don't make their sex information public.

2)  Male

 With this setting, the program will only send friend requests to male.

3)  Female

 With this setting, the program will send only friend requests to female.

4)  Secret

 With this setting, the program will only send friend requests to people who don't make their sex information public. In the meantime, the program will not send friend requests to target Facebook users based on sex. Moreover, you may not add many friends.


 If you choose Male or Female option, the running speed will become slow, because FFA needs to filter and omit the accounts which are not eligible.

5. Stop At

 The purpose of the Stop At field in the Add Online Friends feature is to control how many friends the program will add for you. It is an important field for the feature. Here is a screenshot of this field:


 There are 2 combos in this field. You can choose or input manually the number in the combo. The latter number should be not less than the former one.


1)  Input the number manually:

  • The former: 2
  • The latter: 20

 With this setting, the expected running result is as follows:

  • The job will add a random number of friends between 2 to 20.

2)  Input the equal number in two blanks:

  • The former: 10
  • The latter: 10

 With this setting, the expected running result is as follows:

  • The job will add 10 friends.


1)  Two numbers in this field should not be negative number.

2)  The latter number should be not less than the former one.

6. Interval

The purpose of the interval field in the Add Online Friends feature is to control the time interval when the account will start to do next action after the former finished. It is an important field to keep account from suspected by Facebook if the account runs too fast. Here is the screenshot of this field:


There are two combo boxes in this field. You can choose or input manually the number in the combo. The former number should not be larger than the latter one.


1)  Choose random number:

  • The former number: 1 second
  • The latter number: 10 seconds

With this setting, the expected running result is as follows:

  • It will start to do next action in a random time between 1 to 10 seconds after the former action finished.

2)  Input the same number in the combo box:

  • The former number:10 second
  • The latter number: 10 seconds

With this setting, the expected running result is as follows:

  • It will start to do next action in 10 seconds after the former action finished.


1)  Two numbers in this field should not be negative number.

2)  The latter number should be not less than the former one.


7. Priority

The purpose of the Priority field in the Add Online Friends feature is to make all accounts in the program work more effectively for you. It has two functions. One is to decide which account or campaign to work prior to other accounts or campaigns. The other one is to decide how many accounts in the selected accounts or other campaign to run a feature at the same time. Here is a screenshot of this field:


There is a read-only combo in this field. When starting an account or campaign to work, you can decide the speed and priority by setting up the priority field.


1)  Start an action by this feature at priority 5:

  • Campaign: Campaign A
  • Accounts: 20 Accounts
  • Priority: 5

With this setting, the result can be expected as follows:

  • The program will start 5 accounts of Campaign A to work at the same time. The left 15 accounts are waiting.
  • When any account of previous 5 finishes the work, the left of the other 15 accounts will take up the thread to work immediately.

2)  Start a new action by this feature at priority 7:

  • Campaign: Campaign B
  • Accounts: 30 Accounts
  • Priority: 7

With this setting, the result can be expected as follows:

  • The program will only start 2 accounts of campaign B to work at first, because there are already 5 accounts of campaign A working.
  • When any account of campaign A finishes work, accounts of campaign B will take up the thread to work immediately.
  • The left accounts of campaign A have to wait until all accounts of campaign B finish sending messages.
  • There are 7 accounts of campaign B working at the same time.
  • The left accounts of campaign A will continue to work when there are less than 5 accounts of campaign B working.


1)  The field can be used in different features for different campaigns

2)  Don't set two campaigns at the same priority, or the accounts of the two campaigns will be mixed up to work.

3)  Bigger priority is often used for urgent work in case it is need to be done urgently. So priority 10 is often kept free.

8. Schedule

The purpose of the Schedule field in the Add Online Friends feature is to make the program work full automatically for you. You can set a time of the program in this field and let the programs work automatically for you. Here is a screenshot of this field: :


There are 3 read-only combo boxes in this field. The first one is used to set a start time which controls when to start a new action by this feature; the second one is used to set a repeat period which controls how long to repeat running the new action; and the last one is used to set a repeat times which controls how many times to repeat running the new action.You can open a drop down menu and select the option you need in each of these three combo boxes.


1)  Start a new action by this feature immediately:

  • Start Time: Start it now
  • Repeat Period: Don't repeat it
  • Repeat Times: Run it only once

With this setting, the result can be expected as follows:

  • The program will start a new action by this feature immediately.
  • The new action will start new jobs for all your selected accounts.
  • The program will stop this new action after it started new jobs for all your selected accounts.

2)  Start a new action by this feature at a certain time:

  • Start Time: Start it 24 hours later
  • Repeat Period: Don't repeat it
  • Repeat Times: Run it only once

With this setting, the result can be expected as follows:

  • The program will start a new action by this feature at 24 hours later.
  • The new action will start new jobs for all your selected accounts.
  • The program will stop this new action after it started new jobs for all your selected accounts.

3)  Start a new action by this feature at a certain time and repeat this action multiple times with a certain period:

  • Start Time: Start it 10 minutes later
  • Repeat Period: Repeat it every 24 hours
  • Repeat Times: Run it 7 times

With this setting, the result can be expected as follows:

  • The program will start a new action by this feature at 10 minutes later.
  • The new action will start new jobs for all your selected accounts.
  • For every 24 hours in the next 6 days, the new action will start a new job for all your selected accounts full automatically.
  • The program will stop this new action after it started new jobs for all your selected accounts for the 7th time.


1)  When you are trying repeat it multiple times, the Start Time setting doesn't affect the action since the second time running;

2)  The Repeat Period should better to be longer than the time which the new action needed to start new jobs for all your selected accounts;

3)  When you are choosing "Don't Repeat it" for the repeat period, then no matter which option selected for the repeat times, the new action will work without repetition.

4)  When you are choosing "Run it only once" for the repeat times, then no matter which option selected for the repeat period, the new action will work without repetition.

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